Most companies lack an enterprise-wide approach towards analysis and fail to employ modern analytic techniques in a consistent and strategic manner.

Energy and resources related to data are largely expended on acquisition and storage, far less on reporting, and almost none on thoughtful analysis.

Disparate groups, withing the same company, perform their own extraction, cleaning and transformation of data that create divergent versions of “truth”. They also perform redundant analyses that yield divergent results, and produce few insights that can be applied with confidence.

This results in missed opportunities for reduced costs; improved time to market; a framework for continuous improvement; decreased employee turnover; improved customer satisfaction; and a healthier bottom line.


CorpHI offers a process for valuable knowledge transfer that can enhance the existing staff's understanding of business analysis and performance.

CorpHI clearly identifies the objectives, expectations, and challenges a company faces, while generating insight, not merely reporting data, towards the present and future state of the organization.